Banner Peak via Ritter-Banner Saddle | TRVRS Outdoors
Google Earth Overview of Banner Peak approach via Ritter-Banner saddle, Lake Catherine, and Agnew Meadows.
There are a handful of cross country hikes here in California's vast wilderness that push the limits of the word "adventure" for several reasons. They are extremely remote locations that most people will never have the pleasure of seeing. A consequence of their isolated location is that rescue is highly unlikely in the case of an emergency.
That being said, it is the responsibility of the few that are capable of reaching these locations to practice safety when traveling to these places.
- Double and triple check your supplies (especially water).
- Check weather conditions the morning of your hike before you lose cell service.
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- Understand the importance of creating an outdoor itinerary.
- Create a plan in the event of your disappearance.
- Use the Leave No Trace principles.
TRVRS Outdoors is all for encouraging new and exciting adventures, but part of the adventure is doing adequate research ahead of time to assure a safe and fun trip which is why we've decided to document these back country hikes. Stay safe!
Agnew Meadows

Use trail I mistakenly took located just north of Agnew Meadows Campground.
Saturday, September 7th, 2019 -- The red tape involved in reaching the Agnew Meadows trail head could have been a pain had I started after 8:30AM. The only way down to the parking area during the day is by shuttle but I made it down before 7 o'clock. I imagine that I missed a big obvious PCT trail sign after parking because I followed the road toward the campgrounds for a half mile where my maps showed an additional path would eventually intersect the PCT toward the River trail. I shuffled around the campground for an entire ten minutes before I found a use trail that seemed to be overgrown and chuckled at the difficulty I had committing to it. Part of me imagined that anything on a map this close to Red's Meadow would be decorated with neon signs and flashing lights due to the traffic it gets, and the other part of me wondered why I was hesitant to do less than a quarter mile of cross country travel after spending four days backpacking solo on the Sierra High Route.
River Trail

Descending the River Trail toward Olaine Lake.
Within a few minutes of managing the dense forested landscape, I reached the Pacific Crest Trail. A junction just a quarter mile further brought me to the River Trail where the Middle Fork San Joaquin River paralleled the path. The trail descends into the canyon passing Olaine Lake before taking a gradual ascent toward the next junction. The Shadow Creek trail meets Shadow Lake at its east outlet and rounds its north shore where it intersects the John Muir trail. I thought about taking this route to get a look at the additional Garnet Lake basin, but for some reason I was just not feeling super pumped to be on the trail and at this point had to convince myself to get even as far as Thousand Island Lake so I decided to take the straight shot instead. In hindsight, this was a mistake since climbing to the Ritter-Banner saddle (Ediza Lake approach) from the east would have added so much opportunity for adventure to this outing.
Approaching Thousand Island Lake (9,833 ft)
Total distance traveled: 4.5 miles , Total gain: 1,234 ft.

Looking at Banner Peak and Glacier Pass from the middle of Thousand Island Lake.
An additional 2.75 miles brought on a thousand foot climb and a junction for Garnet Lake. I took a long break here to filter water and have a snack before moving further along the River Trail. The route reconvenes with the PCT and eventually plateaus at the outlet for Thousand Island Lake. It was at this point that my entire outlook on the day flipped completely. As if being on flat ground wasn't enough, the view of Banner's imposing west face from the toe of the lake is one of the most brilliant examples of the Sierra Nevada I had ever seen. The trail skirts the north shore where grassy meadows dotted with colorful wildflowers echo the textures of the small islands spanning the lake. It truly was a prime example of the eastern Sierra mountain landscape and even more awe inspiring to know that this was the source for the longest river in central California, the San Joaquin River.
Glacier Pass (11,170 ft)
Total distance traveled: 10.5 miles, Total gain: 3,761 ft

Peering up at Glacier Pass the meadows below.
About half way around the lake, the next goal became visible. The lowest point between what looked like Mount Davis and Banner Peak was Glacier Pass. I continued along the lake shore eventually reaching its northwestern edge. A use trail emerged veering further west. Although this path was pretty obvious at its start, it eventually faded as I ascended the grassy meadows. At roughly 10,600 feet the climbing began. Medium talus blocks dominate the landscape for the remaining half mile up to Lake Catherine. The morning wind was pretty rough. I told myself that if conditions persisted I would need to consider turning back at the next Lake. Two small snow patches near the pass called for microspikes and trekking poles but I eventually made it up to an incredible view of deep blue waves rippling across the surface of Lake Catherine.
Reaching the Ritter-Banner Saddle (12,022 ft)
Total distance traveled: 11.6 miles, Total gain: 4730 ft

Observing route options from Glacier Pass. Lake Catherine's northeastern shore (right).

View from the top of the snow patch in the last photo.
From Glacier Pass, I could now see why others trip reports mentioned veering left during the previous talus scramble to get a jump on the continued ascent. Steep granite slabs separated two potential routes toward the saddle which was still hidden from view. I opted for the lower concave approach which included another short snow crossing. A fifty foot steep class 2 scramble brought me to a good overview of the Glacier below the Ritter-Banner saddle. I knew that at one point I would need to drop down onto the glacier but every opportunity included loose dirt and rock which in my experience was really unsafe. Descending slopes with similar terrain (popular in the San Gabriel mountains) usually included a lot of unpredictable rock fall. I made a point to traverse as horizontally as possible. If I did create a slide, it would go down and away from where I was headed.
Reaching Banner Peak (12,936 ft)
Total distance traveled: 12 miles, Total gain: 5,541 ft

Patrick Voosen ascending the Class 2 scramble up to the peak.
From the saddle, the route became a class 2 slog to the peak at first consisting of smaller loose rocks but slowly building toward solid boulders. The trip report I read mentioned the summit block being further back than the visible apex and I made a slightly dramatic effort north early on. This placed me too far back and I had to manage an exposed class 3 scramble to get to the actual peak. Patrick didn't follow suit but it was fun to play around on the rocks at this height.

Right click, 'open in new tab' to enlarge. (from left to right) Mono Lake (background), Thousand Island Lake, Garnet Lake, Shadow Lake, Nydiver Lakes, Lake Ediza, and Cecile Lake.

Looking west toward Yosemite National Park.
Total Elevation (feet): 5,500 feet
- Class 1 heavily trafficked trail up to end of Thousand Island Lake. Diminishing use trail up to Glacier Pass granite scramble. Class 2 scramble and Glacier snow travel up to peak. Traction required.
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